Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Take One Down

Take one down, pass it around...
Here I sit on my day off doing laundry and editing pictures (and maybe getting around to some much needed house work). I've been pretty busy lately helping a dear friend out running lots of errands and moving things so I am a bit low on funds and body strength. Looking back on these photos from a few weeks ago (Memorial Day weekend) really lifted my spirits.
Lots of places are closed in small towns on Mondays, let alone a holiday, so we took a little Saturday trip to the coast. Carrabelle is a sleepy little town along the gulf coast and just a little bit over an hour outside Tallahassee. Our first stop was the Carrabelle Bottle House, a permanent art installation on a private residence. The owners and their standard poodles are very friendly.
It all started with the bottle house and has been expanded to more pieces of art.
 Shirt from TeeTurtle.

 The lighthouse was my favorite piece, of course, I have a thing for lighthouses. The owners light it at dusk.

Hubby and I want to build a similar lighthouse, we are both artists and work well together so someday we want to create large pieces of found art like this.

This is really a wall of the house but I love this orientation of the photo.

The bottle house is free and open to the public, just make sure you close the gate so the poodles don't get loose. Inside the house is a guestbook and a donation jar.