Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day Trip part 2 Lighthouse

When we got down to the lighthouse we sat for a few minutes and devoured our boiled peanuts. There was a small wedding group just finishing up photos, they were trying to get shots before the smoke rolled while while all the photographers were sitting there waiting for the smoke.
Our view from the bench as we ate
With the marsh water so low it was easy to walk out and get good points of view of the lighthouse (if you could dodge the other photographers, that is).

It felt like we were walking on plains, this area is normally under water.
 While sometimes I wish I lived somewhere else, North Florida is truly special. It is just under an hour drive to take in a view like this. The range of ecosystems and historic locations you can visit in a single day is impressive. The St Marks Light is the second oldest lighthouse in Florida.

Bird prints in the mud

 We walked one of the trails by the lighthouse, this white tree stood out against the smoke in the air.
This was one of the largest gators we spotted that day, it was a good 7 foot or so.
As the sun got lower in the sky and the smoke rolled in more we left the lighthouse and started home. 
On our way out we stopped by the butterfly garden to take some picturesque photos and watch the sun drop a little lower.

Hubby was right, he said this location looked like a postcard. 

A group of ibises and herons wading

A view of the sunset from the car

Some Bunny Loves You!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Day Trip

Saturday I got a case wanderlust. We had already woken up late and we were playing some Twilight Princess but I suggested we take a mini trip down to the St Marks Lighthouse. While hubby found the last key in the dungeon I put on some make-up and got dressed then we headed out to the wildlife refuge. Along the way we stopped at a roadside stand and grabbed a couple of bags of Cajun spiced boiled peanuts. When we arrived at Lighthouse Rd we noticed quite a bit of smoke, it turns out the area was doing a prescribed burn. We were fearful that the refuge might be closed but a leader truck lead us down the long road.
 It was very cool driving with flames licking up along the side of the road. At points along the way there was only a few feet of visibility.

It reminded me of many years ago when my family was driving in the mountains outside Leavenworth, WA during a wild fire. We were on a narrow road crawling along watching the helicopters dump fire retardants on trees. The elevation of the roads were so high the helicopters were flying right next to the vehicles on the road. 

Luckily this was only prescribed, which helps lower the risk of an actual forest fire, along with promoting fresh growth. 
 Only the photos of the small flames came out, there were some as tall as our car.

Once we passed the burn area the smoke lessened but was still noticeable along the landscape.
Once we entered the park we pulled over to pay but the fee was waved for the day (I assume because of the burn).
 We stopped at the visitor center for a pit stop and for me to buy a few postcards. We hadn't visited since the park removed the light from the lighthouse so we took a few moments to admire it's beauty. The team that is restoring it also did another lighthouse we are very familiar with, Ponce Inlet.
 Outside the visitor center we spotted our first gator. Hubby saw him swim across the pond and when I came out to join him the gator had just crawled up on land to sun.

A White Tailed Deer track in the mud
 On our drive to the lighthouse we stopped at many of the pools along the way to take photos of the smoke from the burn and to spot gators. The water was way down, I don't think I've ever seen it so low. 


If I hadn't have taken this photo I would have guessed there was an oncoming storm rather than smoke.

A male cardinal
We saw so many beautiful birds while exploring, I even spotted a bald eagle and a kestrel. Once again I forgot to bring my telephoto, if I had remembered it I probably could have gotten even more beautiful bird photos although the ones I did get I rather like.
A female grackle
A male grackle
Can you spot the female grackle? She was rather shy and didn't like me taking her photo.

It was hard sorting though all the pictures I took that day, I think the total was about 250. While I trimmed the number to share down quite a bit I still am going to have to split this into at least two posts.

Some Bunny Loves You!