Sunday, March 8, 2015

Battle of Natural Bridge

Florida has a long and interesting history. After all, it is the home of Eden and the Fountain of Youth. Well, maybe those don't exist but Florida was discovered by the Europeans in 1513 and lots has happened since then. This weekend was the 150th anniversary of the battle of natural bridge, a civil war battle that prevented federal troops from capturing Tallahassee, the capital.

 This is the original eagle from the monument. It was digitally scanned and recreated. On the table with the eagle were jars of glass and lead bullets removed from the original. 

Cannons being trucked to the battleground for the battle reenactment.

Reenactors set up camps that they stay in during the two day event. Camps are open to the public to walk through and learn about the life and times of the 1860s.

We toured the federal camp first. Ladies were tending the fires and cooking meals.
 Hubby and I were in awe of these lovely fire stand, we need to find something like that for when we camp.

The Doctor's tent 

After touring the federal encampment we grabbed a bite to eat then walked down to the river and the natural bridge.

 I made this dress on Friday. I got the fabric last year after the 4th of July when all the holiday prints were 60% off. The bolt only had 2 yards left on it so it had been sitting in my fabric drawer waiting for something small for me to make. Since this pattern had an accent layer it worked out perfectly. I had just enough pink and I like that since I didn't use a blue or a red this dress doesn't feel like something I can only wear on the 4th. I especially love that this fabric was coated in gold glitter.
 We walked up the hill and into the confederate encampment. 

We had a great time exploring and talking with some reenactors. We would have stayed for the battle but we had other obligations. Before heading out we listened to a wonderful talk from the John G. Riley foundation group.

Some Bunny Loves Ya!