Thursday, October 23, 2014

Do You Have the Time?

Lately I have been overwhelmingly seeking spooky things, perhaps it is because Halloween is closing in, perhaps not. I have photographed and been photographed with the Calvin C Phillips Mausoleum many times, it has even appeared on the blog before. While seeking spooky locations and info I stumbled upon this video

Calvin C. Phillips: A man obsessed with time from Kristin Petersen on Vimeo.

What a haunting story. I plan to take flowers to the mausoleum on the 19th of November.
2019 will be 100th anniversary of his death, I wish I could start a campaign to raise money to restore the beauty of the monument, although given his personality perhaps he wished to let it wither away to nothing. It is a shame his house is no longer standing, I wish it would have still been standing by the time I came around.

 Old bricks from inside a pillar that once stood next to the monument.
Now it is fallen and being called back to nature.

Spin Doctor Dress bought on Mod Cloth Super Sale
Jewelry, old (I wore the spider earrings for my wedding)
Shoes- Art Swap from Hello Shoes
Tights- Sock Dreams
Fall- eBay

Some Bunny Loves Ya!